A Brief History of Synthetic Scents: Transforming Fragrance and Impacting the Planet

Andrew O’Shea / 11:00 AM EST•April 29, 2023


The creation of synthetic scents has revolutionized the fragrance industry, providing new olfactory experiences and making perfumes more accessible to the masses. However, this innovation has also had various consequences on our environment. In this blog post, we will delve into a brief history of synthetic scent creation and discuss its implications for our planet.

A Brief History of Synthetic Scent Creation


synthetic scent creation

Early Beginnings

While natural scents have been used for centuries, the advent of synthetic scents can be traced back to the 19th century. The first synthetic scent, coumarin, was synthesized in 1868 by William Henry Perkin. Derived from the South American tonka bean, coumarin provided a cost-effective alternative to expensive natural materials and laid the foundation for the modern fragrance industry.

The Rise of Synthetics

Synthetic scents gained momentum in the early 20th century, when chemists began synthesizing new aroma molecules that mimicked or enhanced natural ingredients. In 1921, the release of Chanel No. 5 marked a turning point in perfume history. Created by perfumer Ernest Beaux, Chanel No. 5 was the first major fragrance to utilize aldehydes, synthetic compounds that added a unique sparkle and complexity to the scent.

Modern Advancements

Today, synthetic scents are a staple in the fragrance industry. Advancements in chemistry and technology have allowed perfumers to create an ever-expanding range of scents, from fruity and floral to spicy and oriental. Synthetic scents have also made it possible to produce hypoallergenic and vegan fragrances, catering to a growing market of eco-conscious consumers.


Consequences for the Planet


synthetic scent creation, air pollution

Environmental Impact

The production of synthetic scents has both positive and negative consequences for the environment. On one hand, the use of synthetic ingredients can help reduce pressure on endangered plant and animal species that are traditionally harvested for their scents. However, the production and disposal of synthetic chemicals can also lead to pollution and other environmental problems.

Sustainability Concerns

As the demand for synthetic scents grows, so does the need for sustainable production methods. Many fragrance companies are now exploring ways to reduce their environmental footprint by using green chemistry, biodegradable materials, and renewable energy sources in their manufacturing processes.

The Role of Regulations

Regulations play a critical role in ensuring the safety and sustainability of synthetic scent production. Organizations like the International Fragrance Association (IFRA) establish guidelines and standards for the industry, while government agencies enforce regulations to protect public health and the environment.


Synthetic scents have undeniably transformed the fragrance industry, offering a world of new olfactory possibilities while addressing sustainability concerns. However, continued innovation and responsible regulation are essential to ensuring that the production and use of synthetic scents remain environmentally friendly and beneficial for our planet.


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 Presso is an Atlanta-based, AI-Robotics company harnessing the power of technology to create the first line of on-demand, energy-efficient, express garment care machines.